RJ-Laser Offers Germany’s Light Stream Laser System: a Solution for High-Level Laser Therapy

Light Stream is a cordless laser device with up to 15 watts of energy for effective laser therapy. With a centralized controller, any number of treatment lasers, both fixed and portable, can be handled at the same time. The radio link allows for easy interaction with the monitoring system. The device's range of operations is rounded out by smooth touch screen control and countless individually customizable application programs, which enable nothing to be wished in terms of convenience. This high-power laser can be used in physiotherapy, orthopedics, sports medicine, and general and veterinary medicine for large and medium regions. About RJ-Laser Since 1982, Reimers & Janssen has been creating non-invasive medical equipment for light and laser therapy. We are one of Europe's leading manufacturers due to our knowledge and expertise. Every day, almost 10,000 doctors and therapists use a "Made in Germany" RJ treatment laser. Point lasers, surface lasers (scann...