Concept of Laser Therapy in High and Low Intensity

High intensity laser therapy is based on the well-known principle of low-level laser therapy. High power and choice of the right wavelength allow for deep tissue penetration. HIL offers powerful and non-addictive form of pain management. 

Through a natural process of energy transfer (bio stimulation and photo mechanical effect) it speeds up healing and regeneration. HIL is particularly effective in treatment of sport injuries, e.g. muscle strain or joint distortion, and back pain caused by e.g. herniated disc or disorders in the cervical region causing neck pain.

Laser (acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation) can be used as a therapeutic device which produces monochromatic (one specific wavelength), coherent (constant phase) and polarized (directional) light.The source of laser beam in therapeutic high-power lasers is typically a semiconductor diode capable of producing light of one specific wavelength (e.g. 1064nm).

The light generated by the diodes is then directed into an optical fiber, end of which is connected to the laser applicator. The beam is further processed by a series of lenses which ensure the right direction and diameter of the beam and consequently the spot.

Therapeutic lasers are defined by their power and wavelength. Wavelength is important as the ideal effects on human tissue are of light in the “therapeutic window” (approx. 650 – 1100 nm). 1064nm wavelength of the High Intensity Laser ensures a good ratio between penetration and absorption in the tissue. The amount of power a laser can safely deliver can reduce therapy time by more than a half.

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