Cold Laser Therapy Is Used to Treat Neuropathy in Quantum Brain Healing


Laser therapy may be used to treat neuropathy in Quantum Brain Healing. For a variety of causes, the brain and nerves in the body may be unable to communicate with each other. For example, excessive levels of glucose present in diabetes, or a viral infection like herpes or HIV, can trigger inflammation of the neurons.

Acupuncture and ear acupuncture lasercan help mend nerves, but they must be supplemented with nutritional assistance.For nerve function to fully recover, the levels of neurotransmitters and hormones in the brain must be restored.

L-Lysine is used in Quantum Brain Healing to treat viral neuropathy. When there is an active herpes infection, L-Lysine might be used. Eat less nuts, chocolate, and caffeine, and take 2,000 mg of L-Lysine per day to reduce your arginine intake. Viral replication can be slowed or even halted with the use of green tea as a supplement. 5-HTP, GABA, l-lysine, and theanine are some of the amino acids that may be used in amino acid therapy to treat neuropathy.

Glucose levels need to be monitored. Inflammation and impaired nerve function can both be caused by high glucose levels. Never underestimate the damaging effects of high glucose levels on nerve function and the excessive inflammation that occurs from an increase in free radicals in the brain. Do not underestimate the effects of high glucose. Using a cold laser beam, which is absorbed by the skin, causes an immunological reaction. Helps maintain a healthy hormonal and neurotransmitter balance in the body. It has the potential to hasten the healing process of a wound. Several forms of brain illnesses can benefit from laser therapy. Laser therapy be tried in a variety of methods by a doctor. Auricular therapy can be utilized in conjunction with laser therapy, and body points can be employed to augment the treatment further. No needles are used in this procedure, and it is completely painless.


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